Hello there, and thank you for taking the time to get to know me! My name is Garrett Moore, and I am the author of Gevermore.tech. During my senior year as a computer science student, I decided it would be worthwhile to create my own website and share some of the things I am learning. Getting my CS degree required learning so many supplementary skills and it would feel like a waste to not share the struggles, solutions, and enjoyable projects I experienced.
As previously mentioned, I am a senior CS student with Valdosta State University. I began working within the tech industry during my early teens when I started working for VSU as tech support. This ultimately blossomed into a full-fledged obsession for asking questions and learning about what makes digital world spin. I stayed a member of VSU’s Information Technology division for approximately 7-8 years, keeping a voracious appetite for learning the demands and capabilities of each department and it was this background of technical skill development and familiarity from years of experience that led me to pursuing a degree in Computer Science.
Getting my degree in CS was entirely a decision based in two things:
1. Creativity. Few things bring me joy quite like the act of making. Whether it be cooking, coding, engineering a new sprinkler system, carpentry, etc. I have always found a way to be making something new or improving something I’ve made previously.
2. A Hunger to Learn. I truly spoiled myself and my love of learning new ideas when I began my CS degree. It fact, the field is so complex and fast-paced that it simply demands that you learn 3 new ideas for every 1 idea that you intended to study.
I often make the joke that what inspired me to start my degree in CS was gardening, but it’s actually true. I enjoy gardening quite a bit, and I also enjoy bringing my gardening indoors where I can do more specific experiments by isolating and adjusting one variable at a time. It was while trying to design a system where I could monitor rates of plant growth while using various specific light spectrums and durations while also monitoring soil PH, temperature, humidity etc. that I came to the realization that much of this could be done far easier with a bit of programming. Over the years I had become enchanted with the idea of building a fully automated greenhouse but I felt I was at a roadblock where I simply knew nothing about programming. So, as a combination of wanting to finally reach the next step in my goal to build the self-regulating garden of my dreams and seeing the chance to finally get some answers to questions like, “okay, sure, but how does virtual memory actually work?”, I set out to begin my educational adventure.
At times, the need for learning supplementary materials or at least having a reliable collection of knowledge resources was critical to my success, and thus the idea of creating my own online resource for others who may wish to learn what I have or seek solutions to problems I have faced myself was born. It is my hope that Gevermore.tech can be a resource for anyone else who carries a passion for learning and is interested in developing their creative skills. I encourage you to check out my postings to see if I have covered any topics that may interest you and to also check out my Github page where you can find links to projects I have completed and the repositories for the code I’ve written so you can try it yourself!